Key Highlights of the New Pension Law (Federal Law No. 57 of 2023)

Key Highlights of the New Pension Law

Federal Law No. 57 of 2023

Key Highlights of the New Pension Law (Federal Law No. 57 of 2023)

(A) Key Highlights of the New Pension Law:

  • Promotes equal insurance benefits for UAE nationals in all sectors.
  • Applies to Emiratis hired from 31 October 2023 onwards.
  • Emiratis hired pre-31 October 2023 remain under Federal Law 7/1999.

(B) Key points relevant to the Private Sector Payroll in New Pension Law Changes in the:

  • Monthly contribution rates
  • Range for monthly salary contribution base

1.    Changes in monthly contribution rates


Before 31 October 2023

Including and after 31 October 2023


5% of salary

11% of salary


15% of salary (with 2.5% subsidized by government)

15% of salary, (2.5% subsidized by government for Emiratis earning under AED 20,000

2.    Changes in monthly salary contribution base


Before 31 Oct 2023

Including and after 31 Oct 2023

Minimum Limit

AED 1,000

AED 3,000

Minimum Limit

AED 50,000

AED 70,000

(C) Impact of the New Pension Law to the private sector employers:

  • Consider higher employee contribution for hires post-31 Oct 2023.
  • Employers can contribute for relevant employees as per the New Pension Law:

a.    20% contribution rate until Dec 2023; settle rate difference on Jan 1, 2024.

b.    Pay full 26% contribution rate from Oct 2023 onwards.

Contact Us

Markus Susilo
Markus Susilo
Partner- Payroll and Indirect Tax
Wiby Nugroho
Wiby Nugroho
Senior Manager, Global Mobility