Customs Notice No. (04/2023)

Customs Notice No. (04/2023)

Customs Notice No. (04/2023)

Submission of Customs Declarations & Required Documents

What: A notice has been issued by Dubai Customs regarding the submission of customs declarations and necessary documents effective 24 April 2023.

Purpose of Submission:

To compare the customs declaration with the physical customs documents


Submission deadline to Dubai Customs via courier:

(30) days from the day of completion of Custom declaration

Fees for late submission:

AED 5 for each day of delay after the 30 days grace period (maximum of AED 300)

Exceptions from Submittal of Customs Declarations & Documents:

  • Transit declarations including trans-shipment
  • Customs declarations cleared by companies with approved document e-archiving system
  • Diplomatic and consular corps, international organizations, armed forces, internal security forces, and philanthropic societies that are exempt from customs duties under the GCC Common Customs Law
  • Import and export declarations in personal name

Archiving: Custom documents and other required documents shall be archived five years from the date of completion of Customs declaration

Key Takeaways

  • Importers must be mindful of the submission deadline to avoid penalties
  • Importers must assess whether they qualify under the exceptions from document submission to Dubai Customs

Contact Us 

Markus Susilo
Markus Susilo
Partner- Payroll and Indirect Tax
Michel Ruitenberg
  Partner DIFC - Indirect Taxes