Administrative Exception – VAT GUIDE (GEX1)

Administrative Exception- VAT Guide (GEX1)

Administrative Exception – VAT GUIDE (GEX1)

Administrative Exception – VAT GUIDE (GEX1)

1.    Purpose of VAT Administrative Exception Request

  • A mechanism available for registrants providing concessions/exceptions in the VAT law and regulations.

2.    Eligibility Criteria

  • Tax Registrant
  • Satisfy requirements in respect of the Exception Request
  • Provide necessary documents.

3.    Who can submit?

  • Authorized Signatory
  • Tax agent
  • Legal representative

4.    Exception Requests




Tax Invoices

Not to mention certain particulars

Non-issuance of tax Invoices

Sufficiency of records

Impracticality of issuing a tax invoice

Tax Credit Notes

Not to mention certain particulars

Non-issuance of tax credit notes

Sufficiency of records

Impracticality of issuing a tax credit note

Length of Tax Period

Change in the length of the Tax Period

Tax period of half-yearly for individuals, businesses in refund position and SMEs

Valid reasons for the change in tax period length

Tax Stagger

Change in the stagger for taxpayers with quarterly filing

Valid reasons for the change in stagger

Evidence to prove export of goods

Use of an alternative form of evidence to prove export of goods

Actual reasons for the request

Details of the proposed alternative evidence

Time of the export of goods

Extension of time to physically export goods

Actual reason/circumstances to support the extension in time request

5.    Required Information

  • Description of VAT Administrative Exception Request
  • Supporting letter (background, facts and reasons) with the documentary evidences

How can Crowe help?

  • Support in ensuring the sufficiency of documents maintained for VAT compliance
  • Support in the submission of VAT Administrative Exception application, if required

Contact Us

Markus Susilo
Markus Susilo
Partner- Payroll and Indirect Tax
Michel Ruitenberg
  Partner DIFC - Indirect Taxes