VAT & Legal Breakfast Seminar

Locations: Dubai Media City
Start Date:

11/5/2019 9:00 AM

End Date:

11/5/2019 12:00 PM

PART I:     
"VAT returns & FTA"
By Markus Susilo & Michel Ruitenberg of Crowe UAE 

  • Common pitfalls in dealing with the VAT return – Case Studies from the first 20 months of the UAE VAT implementation
  • Overview of managing tax disputes with the FTA

"100% Foreign Corporate Ownership in the UAE – a Reality Check "
By Dr. Clemens Daburon, Daburon & Partners Legal Consultants 

  • Details on the new regulatory framework regarding 100% foreign corporate ownership in the UAE
  • Actual implementation practice of the UAE authorities
  • Other methods to achieve independence as a foreign investor/entrepreneur (side agreements, free zone set-ups, dual licensing, etc.)

08.45 AM – Guest Arrival & Registration
09.00 AM – Presentations
11.00 AM – Q&A

Concord Tower, 6th Floor, Dubai Media City
Free for ABC Members
100 AED for Non-Members

If you have questions or need further assistance, please don´t hesitate to contact us!



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