Oriol Valls

Oriol  Valls

Partner of Tax Department
Crowe Andorra
Partner of Tax Department of Crowe Andorra
Academic Background

Mr. Valls holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Administration and a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Professional Experience

For more than 8 years, he has attained a solid experience in the tax sector, spending 7 of them working in international top-tier firms such as Deloitte and Rosaud Costas Duran as Manager of the Tax Department.

During the course of his professional career, he has participated in numerous restructuring proceedings, both from a national and an international perspective. He has also advised corporations from different sectors such as the financial, assurances, the touristic and hotel industry, as well as tech companies and startups. Moreover, he has been managing the exchanges between diverse types of clients and the Spanish Tax Administration, leading different tax inspection proceedings within the scope of both the direct and the indirect taxation.

Currently, he is the Partner of the Tax Department at Crowe Andorra.

Other Activities

Mr. Valls has given training courses to private companies on Spanish and Andorran Tax matters.

  • Catalan
  • Spanish
  • English