485 Lexington Ave.
Floor 11
New York, New York 10017-2619
United States
Wendy Cama is the managing partner of the Crowe audit services group, where she oversees the delivery of a full range of services. She has more than 30 years of experience specializing in the financial services industry, including assisting with:
Wendy recently served as the Northeast regional audit leader and served as board chair . She has participated in developing guidance for smaller public companies on audits of internal control as part of a committee working with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Wendy also was a member of an internal control task force for the Center for Audit Quality.
Ms. Cama has spent the majority of her career auditing financial services companies, including assisting with initial public offerings, mutual-to-stock conversions, and merger conversions. She has also assisted financial institutions with the implementation of SOX and FDICIA controls and documentation.